MultiWall shows wrong Monitor Numbers/Positioning

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MultiWall shows wrong Monitor Numbers/Positioning

Post by Gomez12345 »

Hi Guys,

Please help me with this tool. I looked very long for a simple monitor tool, to just sort and order my monitors properly and use nice wallpapers for each of them. I used Ultramon for very long time, but It was outdated and buggy sometimes.

My Problem here with multiwall is:

On Nvidia Settings my 3 Monitors look like this in order:

So my Acer Predator is Monitor 1 Primary, my Samsung is 2 Second , and my SONY TV is the third. I want it exactly like this, which I sorted like this in the nvidia control panel.

On MultiWall I have the exact same Monitor Layout picked, but I cannot change the numbers. The numbers are not the same as on the nvidia settings.

Like I want my Main Monitor to be Number 1, not number 3. The numbers are not as on nvidia, which seems to confuse some programs I am sure. Cause sometimes settings of applications open on the TV, instead of the second monitor where I have the app open. In the past I never had that issue.

I think the Multiwall wrong numbers of the monitors confuse the system.

My Primary Monitor has Number 3 on Multiwall, my second Monitor has number 1, and my TV has number 2, which should be 3.

Here is a screen of Multiwall:

I want my monitors exactly look as on my nvidia settings, also with the same numbers. I did not find any specific way to change the numbers of my monitors in MultiWall.

How I can change the numbers of my monitors to make my first monitor number 1, my second number 2, and my tv number 3 as on my nvidia control settings?

It should look like on the bottom screen nvidia attachement.

1,2,3. Main, Second, Third(TV)

On Multiwall it is: 3,1,2. Which is weird.

Please help.
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Re: MultiWall shows wrong Monitor Numbers/Positioning

Post by sumo »

The numbering doesn't make a difference.
The numbering is also given by Windows not Multiwall itself, however there are different methods which result in different numbering. The one used is intended to match windows display settings.
The NVIDIA numbering is something different and independent.

Ordering is the same deal and looks correct already?
If you need to re-order your screens simply do that in Windows Display settings rather than Nvidia control panel.

If Multiwall is completely not cooperating despite the above, then you can use the layout file described in the FAQ
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