A generic error occurred in GDI+

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A generic error occurred in GDI+

Post by SvendK »

Hi MultiWall creators.

First, thank you for your applications, it is just what I needed - why is this not in Windows 7?!

I installed it about two weeks ago, but now it gives me the following message on Windows boot. It doesn't show if I quit and reopen MultiWall. MultiWall works as it should, wallpapers change every 30 minutes on both monitors - but the error message is annoying :)

Error message:


Preparing the wallpaper errored.
There are several reasons this can happen, most relate to memory usage.
You could try restarting the application.

Message: A generic error occurred in GDI+

Google and this forum return nothing on search, so I registered and giving you this bug. I don't know if there is a log I can give you?

Best regards
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Re: A generic error occurred in GDI+

Post by sumo »

Hey SvendK,

Thanks for the report,

One and only creator!
Like the message says, its mostly related to memory (ram). It could also be caused by certain images too or by how they are handled by the app, (at least I think).
How much ram do you have?

If you happen to be able to figure out which image causes it upload it to me somehow and I'll take a look, or perhaps at least the circumstances since I can't reproduce the error at all.

I don't beleive there is anything you can really do about it by searching on the internet, if anything it will be the app itself that can do something about it.
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Re: A generic error occurred in GDI+

Post by SvendK »

Uhm... I'm sorry for not returning. I don't see the message anymore and I cannot remember if I did anything to fix it. Oh well.. :D

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Re: A generic error occurred in GDI+

Post by achcomp77 »


I'm also have this same issue which happens most of the time but on occasion behaves itself!!!!!!!
I can't believe its a memory issue as my system has just been built from scratch with some of the latest hardware.

My system spec and system settings are included as a DXDiag report but my basic spec is as follows;

Gigabyte Z170-Gaming K3 MoBo with latest BIOS
Intel i7 7700 CPU
32GB DDR3 Memory
2GB AMD Radeon RX460 graphics card with latest driver

This program is superb and want to continue using it.

Just a little extra info, I have used another wallpaper manager and has the same GDI error, so its not your program at fault but want to know if anyone can shed any light on what it might be.

Kind Regards
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Re: A generic error occurred in GDI+

Post by sumo »

Any chance you know which image is causing it?

If anyone has this problem please upload the image so I can try it out.
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